
Are you eager to start your own vegetable patch but not quite sure how? The path to success
Are you eager to start your own vegetable patch but not quite sure how? The path to success is simple if you follow these suggestions:

Start small

Keep it simple with a few small containers, or one small garden bed, and plant a few of your favourite vegies. This keeps it manageable and hopefully steels you towards success. Choose vegies that can be harvested over and over, like tomatoes, snap pease or lettuce and the rewards will last longer.

Consider your location

Access to sunlight is one of the biggest factors to consider when choosing where to place your patch. Most veggies like maximum sunlight – up to 6 to 8 hours a day. Typically a north facing position works well if possible.

Prepare your patch

Whilst it’s exciting to pick some seedlings and plant them, don’t rush ahead and skip the most important part – getting your soil in tip top condition. Invest in a good quality potting mix if using containers, or feed your soil with an organic fertiliser to establish a good base before you plant. The better your soil, the more you will produce.

Tend to it regularly

Spend a little time, every day or so, checking in on your patch and you’ll keep on top of pests and diseases, and watering requirements. Good gardening is all about observation and a little regular attention goes a long way.

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