Dry Needling

Dry needling is an effective and evidence-based technique that can help to reduce muscle tightness and pain.

It involves using very fine acupuncture needles, inserted into myofascial trigger points to stimulate the body’s own pain relief system. The purpose of dry needling is to reduce pain and restore function through the release of these trigger points. A myofascial trigger point can be thought of as a ‘knot’ in the muscle. It is where muscle fibres have shortened, causing localised tightness, pain and reduced mobility.

The acupuncture needle causes a relaxation response to the shortened muscle fibres, which in turn reduces pain and improves mobility and function to the treated area.

At Live Well, all our physiotherapists are highly skilled in dry needling and have all completed post graduate training in dry needling. We may recommend dry needling as part of your treatment plan where it is indicated, but there is no extra cost.

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