We aim to reduce our footprint on the planet and are always looking for ways to achieve more sustainable practices within our business and within the lives of our team and community.
We have eliminated single-use plastics from our clinics, we recycle everything we can including red-cycling any soft plastics and we employ paperless practices. We regularly run sustainability challenges to educate our team, clients and community (and ourselves!) about how we can make simple swaps to lessen our impact on the planet.
Our team use reusable shopping bags, keep-cups and have reduced or eliminated plastic wrap. Many of our team members compost and some have worm farms! Every July, we partake in plastic-free July and aim to eliminate single use plastics from our own lives as well as help to educate our community. We run regular beach clean ups to help keep our beautiful coastline clean.
Sustainability is the key to a better future and we are proud to be part of a business that considers their impact.
To learn more about what we do, follow us on Facebook.